Dr. Konstantina Georgouli

Dr. Konstantina Georgouli holds a diploma degree in Civil Engineering and a PhD Degree from the National Technical university of Athens (NTUA). Since May 2023 she serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineers in the University of Peloponnese. She has served as an adjunct Lecturer in the scientific area of Pavements in the University of West Attica, in School of Pedagogical and Technological Education and in National Technical University of Athens. She has received a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation for her postdoctoral research entitled “Impact of Autonomous Vehicles in Pavement Performance”. She has served as a scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Pavement Engineering of the NTUA for over 15 years. She has participated in more than 20 national and international research programs related to pavement design, evaluation of the structural and functional behavior of in-service pavements, the use of Non-Destructive Testing systems and the laboratory testing of asphalt mixes. She is the author / co-author of 22 scientific papers in international scientific journals and conferences.