The curriculum of the undergraduate program was based on the following:
• Alignment with the modern, recognized curriculum of other departments of Greece and abroad
• Coverage of all the basic and modern knowledge of Civil Engineering science and capability for partial specialization
• Designed for future certification and recognition of all professional rights
The Program of Studies (SP) contains the titles of mandatory and elective courses, their weekly teaching hours, including lecture and laboratory exercises.
The SP was designed according to the HQA standard. Each six-month course includes a number of ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) ‘credits’. ECTS credits rely on the workload students need to achieve the expected learning outcomes. Each semester includes 30 ECTS. The courses have also been characterized in: General Knowledge Courses (GL), Fundamental Courses (MI), Scientific Area Courses (MGV) and Skills Development Courses (PPS). The SP includes mandatory courses, elective courses, a three months internship for students who wish to choose it and a diploma thesis. The total number of courses in the SP are 59 including the Diploma Thesis and Internship (52 are mandatory core courses and 7 are elective courses).
To obtain the diploma the student must successfully attend 55 courses (including a diploma thesis with 30 ECTS) corresponding to a total of 300 ECTS credits. The SP was designed to meet the basic criteria for the recognition of the professional rights of graduates set by the government in accordance with Article 66 of Law 4610/2019. In particular:
1. It is a five years program.
2. The content of the studies and the title of the diploma corresponds to the civil engineering major.
3. The PS includes courses which ensure:
• The foundations in the basic sciences.
• The acquisition of all necessary knowledge in Civil Engineering
• The achievement of deep understanding in specialty areas of Civil Engineering
• The acquisition of knowledge on problem solving and methodology of analysis, synthesis and design of systems and applications.
• The development of research capabilities.
4. The SP provides for two-semester Diploma Thesis on a subject related to the specialization of civil engineering.
5. The Department has well equipped laboratories for the training of students.