Architect Engineer, NTUA (1992). in Protection of Monuments/ Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Sites, NTUA (2000). DPhil, School of Architecture NTUA (2022). Research interests: History of structural engineering, History of medieval, post-medieval and vernacular architecture, History, theory and technology of building restoration, Methodology of analysis and documentation of historic buildings. Collaboration on research projects and participation in a number of international academic conferences concerning the documentation and protection of monuments and historic structures. Working on restoration projects as a freelance architect since 1993. Working for Ministry of Culture, Directorate for the Restoration of Byzantine and Post-byzantine Monuments (2000-2003). Application Lecturer at the Department of Rehabilitation and Restoration at the Technological Educational Institute of Patras (2003-2013), at the Department of Civil Engineering at the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece (2013-2019), and Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering at the UOP. Teaching: History of Constructions, Restoration of Historical Constructions – Architectural Survey, Architectural Restoration of Constructions, Urban and Environmental Planning and Technical Drawing.