Appointed Lecturer
Hydrology: Definitions, Hydrological cycle, Hydrological balance.
Atmospheric precipitation, measurement methods, rain gauges, analysis of precipitation data.
Catchments and watersheds.
Thiessen method, average rainfall, intensity-duration-return period curves.
Evaporation and evapotranspiration, methods of measurement, methods of calculation.
Stream flow, flow measurement.
The concept of hydrograph and characteristic times, separation of base flow from flood flow.
Characteristics of hydrographs for flood events.
Unit hydrograph, calculation of unit hydrograph.
Estimation of precipitation losses.
Frequency analysis of hydrologic events: concepts of probability, types of probability distributions (distribution functions, frequency factor).
Flood protection works: Definitions, flood propagation, hydraulic and hydrologic methods.
Hydrologic propagation through a river section: Muskingum method (applications).
Hydrological propagation through a reservoir (applications).
Design of spillway related constructions: Types of spillways and accompanying projects, elements of design of free spillways, energy dissipation constructions (stilling basins).
Constructions for redesign of river and torrents landform (course and bank): Transverse and parallel works (cascade constructions, groynes), riverbank protection works.
Stream flow enhancement (increase of cross section, increase of flow rate).
Construction of flood dikes, design of river bank for flood events.